
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

Wow!  What an amazing time I have already had on this adventure!

It has een so incredible to wake up every morning in God's magnificent creation and be able to get totally alone with Him, to listen to His still small voice and He shares His heart.  The Spirit is at work in a mighty and powerful way out here.  It has truly been a blessing to see the Father reveal Himself through nature.  Everything out in these mountains is just shouting out to me how big and powerful our God truly is.  His love for us is never ending.  I have felt His love in so many unique ways since I have been out here.  It has become so clear to me that the Father loves us and wants us to love Him in such a way, where we are willing to give up everything for Him, to surrender everything in our lives to the One who gave everything for us. (Matt. 10:38-39)

I am so excited to see all God will do in the time I have left out in the widerness, and I ask you to continue to pray for our group of men, that the Father will continue to strengthen us and guide us, that He will continue to reveal Himself to us and direct our every step.  Thanks so much for the prayers!

Peace and love,
