
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We are currently in Bedford, Texas right outside of Dallas staying with a fellow believer and dear friend who has blessed us with a place to stay. So far on our journey we have been amazed how the Holy Spirit has been at work and how the Lord has been blessing every step of our trip. From the very beginning we have had conformation that this is exactly where we are supposed to be and what we are are supposed to be doing. It has been truly amazing to see the favor that God has put on us during our travels. He has been blessing us in crazy ways; more than we could have even imagined. Here are a few examples of the many numerous blessings that we have experienced so far: As of now we have more money in our pockets than we started out with, we have food and provisions that we did not have at the start of our journey, we have yet to go hungry or be in need of anything so far, and we have been gone six nights and we have only had to camp out on the road one of those nights. God has brought some amazing beautiful people across our paths that we have been able to share our stories and Christ's love to as well as many people who have blessed us and shown the love of Christ towards us. It has truly been awesome for us to take everything that we have been learning and experiencing from our forty days in the wilderness and putting it into practice on the road. We feel blessed to be given this opportunity to just trust in the Lord to provide and open doors for us to share His love and kingdom with others. We continue to be amazed at how everyday we face new challenges and continue to grow in Him. We've come to know that we can never stop learning and growing deeper in our relationship with God and every little blessing and divine appointment continues to build our faith.
 We'd like to share just one of our amazing experiences that the Lord ordained. On our first night on the road after several great rides and blessings we had a man pick us up in his mini van after only waiting about ten minutes. At this point in the day it was beginning to get dark and cold and it had just started drizzling so we were overjoyed for a ride. As soon as we got in the van he asked us if we had eaten and if we had a place to stay for the night. We told him we hadn't and he immediately got on the phone and called his wife and told her he was bringing us to dinner. As we were riding along he told us we could stay at his church that was right down the rode from his house and only about a mile from the interstate. He drove us to the church and we put our bags inside and he turned on the heat for us. He then took us to his house right down the road and his wife had prepared an incredible dinner of potato soup, cornbread, and sweet tea. During dinner we were able to share with him our story and why we were out on the road and he shared with us about him and his family's faith in the Lord. We had a great time of fellowship and prayer. During this time, his six year old son decided to grab his piggy bank and emptied it out and gave it all to us. His eight year old daughter then proceeded to try and give us her warmest blankets because she was worried that we didn't have warm enough clothes. They then took us back to the church and sent with us boxes of grits and oatmeal for our trip. They also sent over their personal coffee maker so that we could have some in the morning before we left. Hallelujah! This is just one of the many stories of the Lord's provision that we have experienced so far. We hope this has been an encouragement and we thank you so much for your support and continued prayers.
Your Brothers in Christ, Mark & Taylor